Welcome! We are glad you are visiting our web site and we invite you to explore.We hope that the various links will introduce you to who we are, what we believe, and the ministries we are pursuing together. It is our desire at Grace Gospel Church to glorify our sovereign Lord and learn to find our complete satisfaction and joy in Him.
Our church is made up of a great variety of people a variety of backgrounds, families, social and economic experiences, and stages of spiritual growth and understanding. However, there is one thing that we all share we are not perfect, but we have been saved by the One who is, and we are committed to pursuing a love relationship with Him, our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.
We hope you will feel at home in our church, whatever your background. We hope that our church and this web site, as it grows and develops, will deepen your understanding and love of our Savior, and equip you for a satisfied life in Him.