* Pay Your Bill Online is a service for PARS Neurosurgical Associates, PARS Interventional Pain & Wellness Center, PARS Osteoporosis Clinic, PARS Imaging Center, & PARS Neurology patients only.
Dedicated to serving the Greater Mid-Ohio Valley as the premier neurosurgical, neurology, interventional pain management, medical imaging, and Osteoporosis medical practice.
The PARS Brain & Spine Institute (PARS BSI), with offices located in Parkersburg West Virginia and Belpre Ohio, is comprised of facilities dedicated to treating disorders of the entire nervous system. PARS BSI neurosurgeons provide state of the art care to patients suffering from back or neck pain, hemorrhagic stroke, sports injuries, brain or spine tumors, carpal tunnel syndrome, hydrocephalus, and other neurological disorders. PARS BSI neurosurgeons incorporate diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, rehabilitation, and disease prevention methods as aspects of patient care.
The PARS Neurology Clinic provides diagnosis and treatment of neurologic disorders, with primary specialties in stroke, migraine, dementia, epilepsy, headache, Parkinson's disease, and polyneuropathy. The PARS Electrophysiology Lab, located within the PARS Neurology Clinic, provides EMG evaluations used as a tool to diagnose and treat nerve and muscle related disorders.
PARS Interventional Pain & Wellness Center physicians provide comprehensive pain management services to patients, incorporating complete patient evaluations to assess treatments for the cause of pain. PARS BSI pain management physicians utilize interventions that may consist of a combination of injections, physical therapy, electrical stimulators, and psychological counseling for chronic pain.
The PARS Osteoporosis Clinic provides the highest standard of personalized care for patients with Osteoporosis, or those at high risk for the disease. The Clinic is dedicated to:
Providing comprehensive evaluation and treatments, including lifestyle and nutritional counseling, focused on prevention and treatment of Osteoporosis.
Technical and clinical excellence in the field of bone mass measurement testing.
PARS BSI neurosurgeons, neurologists, pain management physicians, Osteoporosis specialists, and other medical professional staff team together with the following PARS BSI medical professionals to provide patients with convenient options to other care related services:
Many of the images on this website created by J&K Photography www.jandkphotos.com